Department: Department of Information and Communication Engineering
Name: Jinsheng Xiao
E-mail address: xiaojs@whu。edu。cn
Gender: Male
Title: Professor
Cell phone number: 18971297802
Personal website:
Education: 1.  Ph.D., Mathematics. Wuhan University. Wuhan, Hubei, China. June 2001. Advisor: Dr. Jingan Lei
2.  B.S., Computational Mathematics. Wuhan University. Wuhan, Hubei, China. June 1996
Employment/Teaching Experience: 1. Associated Professor, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China. Period: 12/2008 –present .   
2. Exchange Visit Scholar, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, USA. Period: 8/2014 –8/2015.              3. Lectorate, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China. Period: 7/2004 -11/2008. 
4. Research assistant, Institute of Multimedia Network Communication, Wuhan University, China. Period: 7/2001-6/2004.                                                                                          
Main Courses: 1. Engineering stochastic mathematics,    Undergraduate course
2. Embedded system design,    Undergraduate course
3. Basic practice of software and hardware, Postgraduate course
Research Experience and Fields of Special Interest:
Video and Image Processing, Computer Vision, 
Video and Audio Codec, Multimedia Communication System.
1: Study on restoration and enhancement of surveillance video under hazy weather conditions. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Principal Investigator(PI).
2: The Research of Image Enhancement and Processing Algorithm for Smart Phone. XXXX Technologies. PI.
3: The Research of Video and Image Enhancement Algorithm for Terminal. XXXX Technologies. PI
4: The research of platform and key technology for unmanned vehicle under the comprehensive environment of Urban. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Co.-PI.
5: The Research of Video Object Detection and Recognition. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei province. PI.
6: The implication and optimization of AAC(Advanced Audio Codec) algorithm. XXXX Technologies. Co-PI.
7: The study and implementation of high performance node for cloud computing under the video transcoding. Research Foundation of Ministry of Education and China Mobile. Co.-PI
Publications:  ----Selected papers 
[202303x]J Xiao, Y Wu, et al, LSTFE-Net: Long Short-Term Feature Enhancement Network for Video Small Object Detection,  CVPR 2023,14613-14622.
[202301x]J Xiao, H Guo, et al, Tiny object detection with context enhancement and feature purification, ESWA, 2023, vol 211, 118665.
[202203x]J Xiao, S Zhang, et al., Generative Adversarial Network with Hybrid Attention and Compromised Normalization for Multi-scene Image Conversion, Neural Computing and Applications, 2022, 34, 7209–7225.  (IF=6)
[202002x]J Xiao; M Shen; et al., Single image dehazing based on learning of haze layers,Neurocomputing,2020, 389: 108-122. (IF=6)
[202001x]J Xiao; J Zhou; et al., Image Hazing Algorithm Based on Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Access,2020,8, 5883-15894.(IF=3.9)
[201902c]Y Chen, Y Mai, J Xiao*, L Zhang, Improving Anti-noise Ability of DNNs Via a Bioinspired Noise Adaptive Activation Function Rand Softplus. Neural Computation, 2019,31(6),1215-1233.(IF=2.26).
[201901d]L Ding, H Zhang, J Xiao, B Li, S Lu, M Norouzifard,An improved image mixed noise removal algorithm based on super-resolution algorithm and CNN, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019,31(1):325-336.(IF=4.66).
[2018x12]J Xiao, W Zou, Y Chen, W Wang, J Lei,Single image rain removal based on depth of field and sparse coding,Pattern Recognition Letters,December, 2018, 116:212-217.(IF=2.8)
[2018x7]Y Zhang, J Xiao*, J Peng, Y Ding, J Liu, Z Guo, X Zong, Kernel Wiener Filtering Model with Low-Rank Approximation for Image Denoising, Information Sciences, September, 2018, 462: 402–416. (IF=5.5)
[2018x4]J Xiao,H Tian,Y Zhang,Y Zhou,J Lei,Blind video denoising via texture-aware noise estimation,Comp Vis Image Unde, 2018,169:1-13. (IF=2.5)
[2018x2]J Lei, S Zhang, L Luo, J Xiao, H Wang,Super-resolution enhancement of UAV images based on fractional calculus and POCS, Geo-spa Info Sci,2018, 21:1, 56-66.
[2018x1]J Xiao, L Luo, Y Yao, W Zou, R Klette, Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter,LNCS,2018
[2017x6]M Xia, J Yao, R Xie, M Zhang, J Xiao, Color Consistency Correction Based on Remapping Optimization for Image Stitching, ICCV2017 workshop, 
[2017x5]J Xiao, L Zhu, et al., Scene-aware image dehazing based on sky-segmented dark channel prior,IET Image Processing, 11(12), 2017: 1163-1171. (SCI, IF=1.044).
[2017x1]J Xiao, E liu, et al., Detail enhancement of image super-resolution based on detail synthesis, Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol 50, Feb 2017: 21–33. (SCI, IF=2.244)
[2016x6]J Xiao, G Pang, et al. Adaptive shock filter for image super-resolution and enhancement, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 40, Part A, Oct. 2016:168-177.(SCI,IF=2.16)
[2016x2]J Xiao, T Liu, et al, Multi-focus image fusion based on depth extraction with inhomogeneous diffusion equation, Signal Processing, 2016,125:171-186.(SCI,IF=3.11)
[2016x1]J Xiao, H Peng, et al, Fast Image Enhancement Based on Color Space Fusion, Color Research Application.2016,41(1):22-31.(SCI,IF=1)
[2015x5]Y Zhang; J Xiao*; et al., Learning Block-Structured Incoherent Dictionaries for Sparse Representation, Science China Information Sciences, 2015, 58:102302(15) (SCI,IF=0.85)
[2014x4]J Xiao, W Li, G Liu,, Hierarchical Tone Mapping Based on Image Colour Appearance Model,IET Computer Vision,2014,8(4):358–364.(SCI,IF=0.9)
[2012z3]Y-Q Zhang, Y Ding, J-S Xiao*, et. al., Visibility enhancement using an image filtering approach. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, 2012(220): 1-6.(SCI).